There’s something so special about this final pillar of the Stunning and Strategic Brand Theory. Here is where you get to think about yourself at the highest level, what your business, career, and everything will look like when you’ve reached that peak point you’re hoping for – your brand identity.
How is that not just super exciting?!
It’s so often that we don’t actually take the time to think about that version of ourselves. It can sometimes feel a little scary to say out loud, but defining your aspirational brand identity is such an important step in actually getting there.
In this blog post, I’m going to take you through creating your aspirational brand identity, and why it’s so important.
Why You Should Do This Now
I like to build brands with the end in sight so that you can be true to who you are in your business right now, as defined in Pillars 1 through 3, but you can also be true to where you’re going. You don’t want your branding to be holding you back, or keeping you stuck in one singular lane. Creating your aspirational identity NOW allows your brand to grow and evolve with you, so you can shift and modify as you go along.
Affirming your aspiration out loud means you’re actually declaring it, committing to one day living that lifestyle, as your higher self. It’s such a powerful process!
What “Aspirational” Really Means for Your Brand
When you don’t think ahead to the possibilities you want your brand to reach, you limit yourself to the now, and your brand look might reflect that limitation. If you don’t feel qualified to be somewhere, it’s going to show.
But when you talk about building an aspirational brand, building the assets you need with the look, feel, and connection you’re striving towards, it almost drags you along in that aspirational direction. Instead of having a brand that’s where you are right now, it’s a brand that’s taking you to where you want to be!
When you think about your aspirational brand identity FIRST, then you actually get there a lot faster. It’s like a form of accountability that’s getting you to where you want to go.
Questions To Ask Yourself
You’ve gone through the first three pillars and done a lot of the heavy lifting. Now it’s time to tap into your intuition, think deep, and push just a little further.
I want you to think of your brand as you have it right now, and ask yourself, Am I going to outgrow this identity? If the answer is yes, then you aren’t expressing your brand in the direction you want to go, and you need to do a bit more internal digging to understand what your aspirational brand identity looks like.
This is where you get to dream, and dream big! While your brand and brand assets will evolve, the identity behind the brand should remain consistent, so you want to create one that allows for growth and success.
You’ll know you’ve nailed it down if the idea scares you a little bit, if you get emotional, or if you really feel seen. You’re allowing yourself to be who you’re really meant to be, and that’s an exciting/scary thing. It’s important not to limit yourself. If you don’t think in this aspirational way, then your brand and business are going to hit a certain point and never grow past there.
Keep this brand identity close to you. Write it down and stick it on your desk, and every time you’re working on something, check-in on your post-it and see if you’re still living true to that dream. As you get closer to it, you might notice it gets a little less ‘big and scary.’
Dreaming will allow you to ACTUALLY achieve results. Imagine that!
Build this for YOU
When thinking about your aspirational brand identity, remember that you’re claiming this identity for you and you only. Not your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, best friends, no one else but you.
Be positively selfish! You’re building this to be true to yourself. So pretend like no one else is around, and claim this identity for you.
To get towards creating your aspirational brand identity, it’s good to know which brand archetype you are. Take our quiz now to find out!